Dog Pack Cycle #3

Dog Pack Cycle #3

The next month of the Dozer Dog Pack is all about lifting heavy weights. There are going to be multiple opportunities throughout these 4 weeks to push for heavy attempts. This cycle is all about priming the body to put max effort into high percentages. The best way I have found to attack that is through heavy block work while also drilling lighter lifts from the floor. Be aware that many of the sets this week will be Rep Maxes, it is important that you follow the guidelines on the exercises, if you see “(stop after first miss)” that means STOP AFTER THE FIRST MISS. If you want the huge payout that will be waiting for you at the end of this program, you must give the program the respect it needs in order for it to work. This is a tried and true program that led me to hitting the best total i have ever hit in my 10+ years of lifting weights. It works, do not change things up, have complete trust in the work ahead of you and it will reward you.

Some important notes, there will be a decent amount of block work, if you do not have access to blocks, work the monday snatches from the hang and the wednesday block cleans from the floor. Also, listen to the body, this amount of heavy lifting can put some wear and tear on the body, so if you are feeling beat up. Instead of working to a true rep max, work up to a comfortable set and call it. This is the same approach I took when doing this program.

The most vital thing I need each and everyone of you to do when entering this next phase of training is to treat yourself like a weightlifter. Recover responsibly, sleep well, mobilize frequently, do all the things that you need to do to keep the engine running through the next 4 weeks. Treating yourself like a weightlifter also means having a strong belief in your abilities. If you are on this program, you are where you need to be to become a great athlete. Expect greatness out of yourself and do the work that is necessary to accomplish that. 

PRs are coming. Put that head down and lets get to work.


Dog Pack Cycle #4


Dog Pack Cycle #2